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Kristi and Cran Pollock

SuperStar Director


My Story

I was introduced to Scentsy in 2008, at a home party. Immediately, I loved the products and Black Raspberry Vanilla was my favorite scent (Yummy!!).  I had no intention of starting a business but knew I loved the products and decided to join to support my addiction.  Over the course of the next year, I caught the “Scentsy bug" and realized this was an amazing opportunity.

Scentsy has been with me through many live changes and has been a tremendous blessing to me, even helped me survive as a single mom for awhile. My husband, Cran has been an integral part of my business since we married February of 2015.  We have a large, blended family with 6 kids, 2 dogs and a tortoise. Many of the closest friends I have today are because of my Scentsy business.  

We have been to many incredible places on incentive trips, trainings and reunions such as Dominican Republic, Las Vegas, New York City, Nashville, New Orleans, and Mexico, just to name a few.....even Disneyland!!

Our six children work the business with us and through Scentsy we have been able to teach them business principles, entrepreneurship, as well as the opportunity to earn extra money.  If you want to build relationships around you, earn extra income, travel or just love the products this opportunity is for you!


What's warming in my home